In August of 2018, we updated our forums login system to integrate with our Insider system. Please follow the instructions below to get set up in the forums.

Scenario A: I don't yet have an Insider account associated with my email address (and I'm either new to the forums, or haven't signed in since August 2018)

No problem! We need to get you signed up for Insider.

Step 1: Click the Sign In button shown next to the purple arrow below.


Step 2: Enter the email address you use for forums in the box. (Your email address will not be visible to anyone apart from you, unless you edit your own profile to make it public.)

Step 3: Add a password to your account.  Note that the minimum password length for Insider is 7 characters, so you will have to select a new password if your existing password is shorter.

Step 4: If you have previously posted in the forums, your existing screen name will merge automatically, and you'll be directed to forums as usual. If you have NOT previously posted in the forums, you will be directed to a screen to select a unique screen name that will be associated with your forums posts.


Scenario B: I already have an Insider account associated with my email address (and I'm either new to the forums, or haven't signed in since August 2018)

Step 1: Click the Sign In button shown next to the purple arrow below.


Step 2:  Enter your email address and password, and your screen name and/profile will be merged upon successful sign-in.

If you have any issues, please contact us.

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