About Edmunds Dealer Ratings & Reviews

Our goal is to offer a collection of the most helpful, objective and authentic reviews on the internet of both the experience of acquiring a vehicle from a dealer, as well as consumers’ service experiences. These reviews both assist other consumers and allow dealers to keep a pulse on their performance and identify areas for improvement.

Our reviews also facilitate communication between consumers and dealers, and we encourage dealers to respond to all of their reviews. We host a neutral venue, and believe that it’s desirable for readers to see not only the views of consumers, but also the responses and perspectives of dealers.

This article covers the following topics:


For additional information, see the following resources:


How to Submit a Review

In order to submit a review, you must provide a display name of your choice (shown publicly next to your review) and provide a valid email address (not displayed publicly).  


To locate a specific dealer, visit Find a Dealer.

How to Respond to a Review

In order to post a response on behalf of your dealership:

1) Go to your dealership's showroom page on Edmunds.com.  You can locate your dealership here.

2) Identify the review to which you'd like to respond, then click the "read more" link.

3)  Click the "post a comment" link located below the review text.


4)  On the following page, enter a) a display name representing the dealership or individual responding, b) a valid email address, and c) the text of your response.  Be sure to check the box indicating that you are responding on behalf of the dealership.



General Reviews Information

  • Because we read and evaluate every dealer review prior to its publication, it can take up to two business days for a review that we accept to be published.
  • Once submitted, a review cannot be edited or deleted by the author. However, one update to the published review is allowed in order to add more information, to retract or correct anything originally included and/or to revise the star rating.
  • Once published, a review is available indefinitely. We may, however, exercise our right to remove a review at any time -- for example, if we determine that the review violates our published policies and guidelines. However, we are not obligated to remove any review, and will do so only at our discretion.
  • If a published review violates our policies and should be considered for removal, please click the "Report It" link on the review in question. Provide the reason(s) why the review violates our policies.


Authenticity of Dealer Reviews

Edmunds does not tolerate fraudulent use of our reviews platform by consumers or dealers. If we believe a dealer is acting, directly or through an agent, fraudulently or in violation of our policies, we may:

  • Reject all new reviews we receive for that dealer (in which event we will not begin accepting new reviews unless and until we determine to our satisfaction that the dealer’s violative practices have been discontinued);
  • Subject any new reviews we receive to enhanced scrutiny and/or additional verification, which may result in fewer of those reviews being published and/or delays in the posting of those reviews;
  • Remove all reviews for that dealer submitted during the period we suspect inappropriate activity was occurring.

If we have elected to reject all new reviews we received, we will not accept for publication any new reviews unless and until we determine to our satisfaction that the dealer's violative practices have been discontinued.


Guidelines and Tips for Consumers

  • Your review should describe what your experience was like, with facts and not fluff. Stay on-topic. We do not publish reviews that do not provide information about the reviewer's personal experience. Reviews that do not provide sufficient detail concerning that experience may be rejected as unhelpful to our visitors.
  • You may not submit a review of your experience if you have been offered any payment or other incentive to do so, or if you have a personal relationship with the owner or any of the employees of the dealer.
  • Your review must describe an experience that occurred within the past two years.
  • While we do permit you to include your description of and frank opinion about your experience, we do not permit "name-calling" or the use of profanity.
  • We do not permit the posting of ads or solicitations, HTML or links, or personal contact information (e.g., telephone numbers, email addresses) for you or others.
  • Please do not write in ALL CAPS.
  • Please note that, after a review is submitted, it may not be revised or deleted by you — and we will not do so if requested. However, you may add additional information concerning your experience by submitting an update.

Note that we reserve the right not to publish any review that does not comply with our guidelines.


Guidelines and Tips for Dealers

Edmunds strongly believes that reviews offer the opportunity for a dealer to earn positive feedback, to thank customers for their business, and to use negative feedback as a way to show readers how you respond to problems.

  • Following a transaction with a satisfied customer, ask them to submit a review on Edmunds while in-store, or by email with a link to your dealer page on Edmunds.
  • Respond to all reviews by offering your perspective and check the box indicating you are a representative of your dealer.
  • Don’t submit reviews for yourself or your dealer, and don’t ask friends and family to do so, and don’t offer customers payment or other incentive to submit a positive review, or make any terms of the transaction contingent on submission of a positive review.
    • These are fraudulent activities.

Edmunds does not remove reviews that the dealer considers factually inaccurate. We do, however, have a policy of not publishing any review that is fraudulent (not submitted by an actual customer). If you report a review to us as fraudulent, please submit details and evidence so that we can investigate. In addition:

  • We do not remove negative reviews simply because a dealer does business with Edmunds and requests that we do so.
  • We do not provide names of or contact information for individuals who submit reviews.
  • We do not provide copies of unpublished/rejected reviews.
  • While all reviews remain visible, only reviews submitted within the past two years are used to compute the star ratings. 

For more information concerning our policies for Dealer Ratings & Reviews, please see our Visitor Agreement. and frequently asked questions from dealerships.

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