How do I report a problem on Edmunds?

Please contact us to let us know that you are having technical problems with Edmunds. You can help us troubleshoot the issue by including some or all of the following details:

  • The type of device you're using (e.g. Dell laptop, MacBook, Android tablet, iPhone 8, X, XS etc.)
  • The device's current operating system (e.g. Windows Vista, Apple OS X, etc.)
  • The Web browser you're using (e.g. Internet Explorer 11, Firefox 76, Safari 12, etc.)
  • The URL (Web address) and/or a screenshot of the page where you experience the issue.

When we get your note, we will start investigating and get back to you as soon as possible.

In the meantime, you may want to try some of the following solutions that have worked for other customers having technical problems:

  • Try using a different Web browser or upgrading your existing browser to the latest version.
  • Clear the temporary stored data (cache) from your Web browser.*
  • Reset your Web browser to its default settings.*

*If you need help with your Web browser, please visit the appropriate support page below:

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